Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz--Words Or Whip Essays

The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz- - Words or Whip? The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz- - Words or Whip? The whip that a lion-tamer uses is the absolute most significant device that will helps him in effectively subduing the lions. To show his point obviously to the monsters, he should whip the lions with his parasitic whip at whatever point they play out an off base act. This is the main way that he can speak with these low-insight creatures, since lions can't comprehend the most profane word in the English language. Yet, with respect to people, the greater part of us can comprehend the language that the individuals around us talk. In this manner whipping, caning, tying, or any sort of floggings are a bit much - they are held for creatures as it were. In the no so distant past, instructors at school and guardians at home utilize different types of beating on their understudies and kids - there are likewise a few methods related with every one of them. Be that as it may, as our general public turns out to be increasingly acculturated , these savage demonstrations are presently viewed with scorn and disdain. What used to be considered as whipping is currently considered as physical maltreatment. It ought to be thought of that way some time in the past. Physical maltreatment as punishment clearly works. It excites feelings of disdain and harshness, however it works. On the off chance that an understudy accomplishes something incorrectly and gets a whipping for it, the person will stop doing likewise mistaken act once more. Despite the fact that it won't change the manner in which the person in question thinks, yet it WILL work. The understudy won't comprehend why the person ought not carry on in that specific way, and will keep on believing that the individual is correct, yet physical maltreatment can prevent them from doing it again - it certainly works. In any case, in long haul, a few people are slanted to defy the position who force beatings on them. When they can overwhelm the position, they will challenge th eir lords. Others, similar to Duddy Kravitz, they become acclimated to their disciplines and can't think about them. Duddy gets tied so regularly that he for all intents and purposes asks Mr. MacPherson for it. So when he drove Duddy Kravitz into the Medical Room that evening, breaking with an act of twenty years, the real blows were weak, and it was Duddy who developed triumphant, hustling outside to welcome his schoolmates. Duddy additionally energetically declared to his friends: Hello, look! See, jerkos! Ten on each. Macintosh lashed me. Macintosh, surprisingly. Obviously, Duddy is not, at this point scared by tying. Tying or any sort of whipping isn't a successful method to change human conduct since it essentially can't alter individuals' perspectives. People, in contrast to creatures, ought to be educated with words. On the off chance that an understudy has accomplished something incorrectly, rather than giving the person in question a decent tying, a decent talk would be inc reasingly suitable. The instructor must cause the understudy to comprehend what the individual in question has done and why it ought not have been finished. The instructor must cause the understudy to feel that the person in question isn't right. That way, the terrible demonstration is probably not going to repeat. Mr. MacPherson ought to be commended for his prudence of not tying any kid. It is generally excellent of him to comprehend the uselessness of whippings. It is very appalling that he surrenders this prudence when at long last can not stand the weight of his significant other's passing and Duddy's disturbance. The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz- - Words Or Whip Essays The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz- - Words or Whip? The whip that a lion-tamer uses is the absolute most significant apparatus that will helps him in effectively restraining the lions. To show his point obviously to the monsters, he should whip the lions with his parasitic whip at whatever point they play out a mistaken demonstration. This is the just way that he can speak with these low-knowledge creatures, since lions can't comprehend the most revolting word in the English language. Be that as it may, concerning people, a large portion of us can comprehend the language that the individuals around us talk. Consequently whipping, caning, lashing, or any sort of beatings are a bit much - they are held for creatures as it were. In the relatively recent past, educators at school and guardians at home utilize different types of whipping on their understudies and youngsters - there are likewise a few procedures related with every one of them. Be that as it may, as our society turns out to be increasingly enlightened, these savage demonstrations are presently viewed with scorn and disdain. What used to be considered as corporal discipline is currently considered as physical maltreatment. It ought to be thought of that way quite a while in the past. Physical maltreatment as punishment clearly works. It stimulates feelings of disdain and harshness, yet it works. On the off chance that an understudy accomplishes something incorrectly and gets a whipping for it, the individual in question will stop doing likewise wrong act once more. Despite the fact that it won't change the manner in which the individual in question thinks, yet it WILL work. The understudy won't comprehend why the individual in question ought not carry on in that specific way, and will keep on feeling that the individual in question is right, however physical maltreatment can prevent them from doing it again - it certainly works. In any case, in long haul, a few people are slanted to revolt against the power who force beatings on them. Once they can overwhelm the power, they will challenge their lords. Others, similar to Duddy Kravitz, they become accustomed to their disciplines and can't think about them. Duddy gets lashed so frequently that he practically asks Mr. MacPherson for it. So when he drove Duddy Kravitz into the Medical Room that evening, breaking with an act of twenty years, the genuine blows were weak, what's more, it was Duddy who developed triumphant, dashing outside to welcome his schoolmates. Duddy likewise enthusiastically declared to his friends: Hello, look! See, jerkos! Ten on each. Macintosh tied me. Macintosh, surprisingly. Obviously, Duddy is not, at this point scared by lashing. Tying or any sort of whipping isn't a successful method to change human conduct since it just can't adjust individuals' perspectives. People, in contrast to creatures, ought to be instructed with words. On the off chance that an understudy has accomplished something incorrectly, rather than giving the person in question a decent lashing, a decent talk would be progressively fitting. The educator must make the understudy comprehend what the individual in question has done and why it ought not have been finished. The instructor must cause the understudy to feel that the person in question is wrong. That way, the terrible demonstration is probably not going to repeat. Mr. MacPherson ought to be lauded for his goodness of not tying any kid. It is awesome of him to comprehend the vanity of corporal disciplines. It is very grievous that he surrenders this goodness when at long last can not stand the weight of his significant other's passing and Duddy's fomentation.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Magnesium Oxide Lab Report Essays

Magnesium Oxide Lab Report Essays Magnesium Oxide Lab Report Paper Magnesium Oxide Lab Report Paper The term of this trial it is an unquestionable requirement to wear security glasses and sterile garment consistently during the lab, in any event, when not working legitimately with the synthetic concoctions r contraption. 2. Try not to contact the mechanical assembly, during the trial it might in any case be which further can prompt consumes. 3. Be cautious around the Bunsen burner, in any event, when turned off they may in any case be hot! 4. Try not to breathe in the magnesium lace. 5. Try not to contact the magnesium lace. 6. Continuously wash your hands completely when dealing with any synthetic substances. Methodology: 1 . Record the mass of a spotless, dry cauldron with its top. Handle the cauldron with tongs, not your fingers, to dodge dampness and oil from your fingers being moved. ) 2. Utilize fine sand paper to scratch the oxide covering from the surface f a piece of magnesium strip roughly 2 CM length. Cut the lace into little pieces, place in the pot, and gauge the pot, its top and substance. 3. Warmth the pot in a hot fire for 10 minutes, guaranteeing that the magnesium is presented to air yet that no strong departures. After this time the magnesium ought to have been changed over too white powder. 4. On the electronic parity there perhaps extra substance or small materials representing absolute load of the pot with magnesium strip inside the pot, with the cover on it Qualitative Observations: Magnesium Qualitative Observations (Not the genuine photographs of the examination) Before Heating During Heating After Heating Color Metallic Orange Flame White Light **at distinctive span of the experiment** White Powder Appearance Shiny meager sheet of lace, with a dull dim line in the center. The magnesium strip begins to change from a gleaming metallic shading to a white shading. Breaks are seen in the white magnesium powder. Information Processing Presentation: Processed Data table The mass of magnesium is found by deducting the mass of the cauldron and the top from the mass of the pot and the top with magnesium in the pot before the warming procedure. Normal of mass of magnesium: Crucible + Lid + Magnesium) ? (Pot + Lid) Average of mass of magnesium 0. 036â ± 0. Egg The mass of oxygen is derived by taking away before warming absolute mass of the pot and the top with magnesium in the cauldron from the subsequent to warming procedure all out mass of the pot and the cover magnesium in the pot before the warming procedure. Normal of mass of magnesium = 0. 02 grams Conclusion Evaluation: Conclusion: Evaluation: = 00000 x 100 Random mistake is a blunder in estimation brought about by factors that change starting with one estimation then onto the next. At the point when the cauldron was weighed with the top and with r without the substances, we ought to of kept a similar individual weigh to keep a consistent situation and techniques utilized during the examination and the electronic balancer ought to be kept the equivalent, to lessen any arbitrary blunder by changing the electronic balancer. Rehash estimations during tests, to diminish arbitrary mistake enough to get an ordinary conveyance. Mean qualities will be near the real worth, which lessens irregular blunder. Deliberate blunder is the place something has turned out badly with the estimating gadget or strategy. To diminish deliberate mistake we ought to apply the right techniques and be careful tit the system for the test, know prerequisites of the lab and avoid potential risk during the lab with strategies applied during the examination. To decide efficient mistake it generally clear in a diagram inside anomaly in the chart. Exception speaks to the efficient mistake. For this situation if I somehow happened to decide an orderly mistake during the lab I would consider making a diagram which would speak to the information gathered during the examination. I should keep these efficient and arbitrary blunders in my psyche when leading my next test to stop these mistakes to happen again in the examination.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Professor Profiles Ralph Biggadike, Columbia Business School

Blog Archive Professor Profiles Ralph Biggadike, Columbia Business School Many MBA applicants feel that they are purchasing a brand when choosing a business school, but the educational experience itself is crucial to your future, and no one will affect your education more than your professors. Each Wednesday, we profile a standout professor as identified by students. Today, we focus on Ralph Biggadike from Columbia Business School (CBS). Ralph Biggadikes “Top Management Process” (TMP) course competes in popularity with Michael Feiner’s “High Performance Leadership” class among CBS students, in terms of the number of bidding points needed to enroll. “Biggie”â€"as a recent alumna affectionately called him in a conversation with mbaMissionâ€"is not necessarily known for his charisma but instead, she explained, for the way he makes students analyze organizational challenges from every possible angle, including how such challenges would affect them in their future jobs. The alumna went on to describe Biggadike’s TMP class as a “living laboratory” that focuses on real learning rather than on homework and presentations, and lauded the professor’s availability outside the classroom. For more information about CBS and 13 other top-ranked business schools, check out the mbaMission Insider’s Guides. Share ThisTweet Columbia University (Columbia Business School) Professor Profiles

Monday, May 25, 2020

Ideal Gas Example Problem Partial Pressure

In any mixture of gases, each component gas exerts a partial pressure that contributes to the total pressure. At ordinary temperatures and pressure, you can apply the ideal gas law to calculate the partial pressure of each gas. What Is Partial Pressure? Lets start by reviewing the concept of partial pressure. In a mixture of gases, the partial pressure of each gas is the pressure that gas would exert if it was the only one occupying that volume of space. If you add up the partial pressure of each gas in a mixture, the value will be the total pressure of the gas. The law used to find partial pressure assumes the temperature of the system is constant and the gas behaves as an ideal gas, following the ideal gas law: PV nRT where P is pressure, V is volume, n is the number of moles, R is the gas constant, and T is temperature. The total pressure is then the sum of all the partial pressures of component gases. For n components of a gas: Ptotal P1 P2 P3 ... Pn When written this way, this variation of the Ideal Gas Law is called Daltons Law of Partial Pressures. Moving around terms, the law can be rewritten to relate moles of gas and total pressure to partial pressure: Px Ptotal (n / ntotal) Partial Pressure Question A balloon contains 0.1 moles of oxygen and 0.4 moles of nitrogen. If the balloon is at standard temperature and pressure, what is the partial pressure of the nitrogen? Solution Partial pressure is found by Daltons Law: Px PTotal ( nx / nTotal ) wherePx partial pressure of gas xPTotal total pressure of all gasesnx number of moles of gas xnTotal number of moles of all gases Step 1 Find PTotal Although the problem does not explicitly state the pressure, it does tell you the balloon is at standard temperature and pressure. Standard pressure is 1 atm. Step 2 Add up the number of moles of the component gases to find nTotal nTotal noxygen nnitrogennTotal 0.1 mol 0.4 molnTotal 0.5 mol Step 3 Now you have all the information needed to plug the values into the equation and solve for Pnitrogen Pnitrogen PTotal ( nnitrogen / nTotal )Pnitrogen 1 atm ( 0.4 mol / 0.5 mol )Pnitrogen 0.8 atm Answer The partial pressure of the nitrogen is 0.8 atm. Helpful Tip for Performing the Partial Pressure Calculation Be sure to report your units correctly! Typically, when using any form of the ideal gas law, youll be dealing with mass in moles, temperature in Kelvin, volume in liters, and pressure is in atmospheres. If you have temperatures in Celsius or Fahrenheit, convert them to Kelvin before proceeding.Remember real gases are not ideal gases, so although the calculation will have very little error under ordinary conditions, it wont be precisely the true value. For most situations, the error is negligible. Error increases as pressure and temperature of a gas increase because the particles are interacting with each other more often.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Comparative Study Of The Status Of Women - 1016 Words

The declaring of 1975-85 decade as the International Women’s decade also gave impetus to women’s movements for removing the notion of inferiority of women and giving them a sense of identity. The Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB) established by the Government of India in 1953, also promotes and strengthens volunteer efforts for the welfare of women. The Ministry of Welfare, Government of India, too, gives grants to voluntary organizations for activities like construction/expansion of hostels for working women in cities.The analysis of six types of movements suggests that movements are generally initiated and spread by charismatic leaders or by political parties and religious organizations. In the former case, the ideologies are transmitted downwards while in the latter case, these are transmitted upwards. Once any movement based on certain ideology changes, it is not necessary that it will spread in the course of time, it can gain in strength and it can also lose its vitality either because it is considered irrelevant or because it is suppressed by the government. Comparative Study of the status of Women in the Period of Pre and post Independence:- If we will examine the status of women and distinguish the position of women in the post independence period with the pre independence period, we must be in a confuse state of mind that we are moving towards the development or declining the opposition of women. If we will critically examine the status of women, the impact andShow MoreRelatedGender Relations Between Rural Areas And The West Of Iran1580 Words   |  7 Pagesin the paper, giving a summary of the article with research methods and research findings plus relevance of the paper ‘Geographical Perspective on Gender Relations in Rural Areas; a Comparative Study in North and West  of Iran’. The article ‘Geographical Perspective on Gender Relations in Rural Areas; a Comparative Study in North and West of Iran’ featured in the volume 10 issue 2 of the Journal of Rural and Community Development. Dadvar-Khani Fazileh authored the article in 2015. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Presidential Election Of 2016 - 2054 Words

In the majority of societies since the start of civilization, women have been oppressed and thought of as the naturally inferior sex. Due to this historical oppression, policies affecting women are important in modern political campaigns. In the United States presidential election of 2016, where a woman is a major party nominee for the first time, the issue of women’s inequality are more prominent than ever before. Feminists across the country are seeking the presidential candidate with policies that will diminish the inequalities women face in our country and around the world. Republican nominee Donald Trump is known for his strong opinions, and his policies regarding women are no different. His fierce opposition to the current state of free trade agreements NAFTA and TPP will help women internationally escape the exploitation that they face from these policies. His equally unyielding policies against immigration, however, are based on xenophobia and will hurt many wome n overseas. Trade policies are a particularly controversial area of debate between the two major party nominees, Secretary Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump. Mr. Trump believes that the country’s current trade policies need reform in order to keep jobs in the country, help the environment, and improve working conditions for people in all nations. In particular, Donald Trump lays out a seven point trade plan that he will enforce if he is elected. The first point of the plan is to withdraw fromShow MoreRelatedPresidential Elections 2016 Presidential Election1551 Words   |  7 PagesPresidential Elections in 2016 and presidential campaigns of the Republican and the Democratic Party s nominees in 2015 and 2016 had become a source of controversy and drama. The participation of the female candidate, who has a high chance of becoming the next U.S. President, controversial remarks of the self-funded billionaire from the Republican Party, major discussions around essential topics, such as e conomic growth, personal freedom and privacy rights defined the main topics of the debatesRead MoreThe Election Of The 2016 Presidential Election1537 Words   |  7 PagesThe 2016 presidential election had been a contentious one even before the primaries began. A divide within parties and between the public grew increasingly evident over the past year, ultimately leading to a candidate with no prior political experience beating out a candidate with forty-plus years on her resume. 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That night, I watched tentatively asRead MoreThe Presidential Election Of 2016 Essay1169 Words   |  5 PagesAmerican presidential election of 2016 was a few weeks ago, many are scratching their heads following the outcome result. Many, including myself are, asking the question who voted to bring Trump into office? No the better question is who did not vote to keep Trump out of the office. This must have been the same feelings and questions people had in the election of 1968 with Nixon, as the options they were left with to choose was not one of which many were enthused about. Richard Milhous Nixon bornRead M oreThe Presidential Election Of 20161653 Words   |  7 Pages The Presidential Election of 2016 is not until November, but both parties are beginning to narrow their fields down and begin their preparation for an election that is expected to be highly contested. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

1984 misc 12 00 Essay Example For Students

1984 misc 12 00 Essay Books related to Summary of Orwells 1984-We are introduced to Winston Smith the main character of the story. Works at Ministry of truth. Ministry of truth is one of four government buildings in destroyed London, the main city of Airstrip One, a province of Oceania. Year is 1984 and three contries are at war, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. Oceania is run by the party whose leader is Big Brother. Winston is sick of his life in the ruined city and decides to keep a diary. This is against the law in Oceania. He felt his feelings begin to hate Emmanuel Goldstein, leader of the enemy party. He also spots OBrien, a party leader whose eyes he sees a bit of political sympthy. Sees young girl who he dislikes. He feels it is only a matter of time before his though crimes are detected. A knock at the door he thinks is police. Mrs. Parsons, his neighbor is at the door and asked him to unclog a sink. He does it but smells sweat all over the apartment. Mrs. Parsons is a follower of party doctrine a nd a fellow employee at the ministry. The children are members of Spies, a youth that encourages spying and telling on traitors, including parents. Winston is revolted. He returns home and writes a couple more minutes before going back to work. He remenbers a dream where OBrien tole him he would meet him in a place wher there is no darkness. He washes his hands and hides the diary Major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown how the earth has changed, into 3 main contenients. we are also introduced to the main character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how the computer age has taken over peoples minds. The language is easy to understand, it has not really changed much over time. Seems like nothing left after nuclear war, just ruins remaining. We are introduced to Tom Parsons which Winston is contrasted with. The city is very drab. Big brother is watching you, the caption beneath it said Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed for e ver. Waking from dreams, he remembers his mother and sister, and can barely remember their disappearence and feels responsible for there deaths. He has another dream where he is in the perfect countryside with the girl he had noticed eariler. He dreamed she stripped for him. This time he is woken up by the telescreen, telling him to do his exercises. He thinks about how much power the Party has over all information. Begins work at the ministry of truth. His job is to correct printed articles in line with the Partys orders. The Ministry and records department jobs are to rewrite history to make the party look good. They get a break because of the 2 minute hate. When he gets back he replaces a speech by Big Brother with invented history. Makes up story about a man named Ogilvy. The article had become contrary to the present party policy. It is replaced as though is never existed. Winston meets Syme, a philologist, for lunch. Syme explains parts about Newspeak. They are joined by Parso ns. Winston thinks of the fate that each co-worker will recieve. Syme will be vapourized because he is to smart, where Parsons is dull enough to escape vapourization. He is the only one who has not been taken over by the propaganda that is always being brodcast. He notices the same girl from the other day starring at him and thinks it The Golden country that he dreams about is definatly a release or a freedom from the the drabness of London. Also from the party. We are introduced to the fact that he has no mother or father or sisters or brothers anymore because they were taken by the party. He is realizing that he is rebelling against the party and he understands that he is at risk. Winston is in search of the truth and is concerned because of the partys ability to change history. We find that he likes his work even though it is for the party and against morals. He is introduced to the girl that will play a big part in the book most likely. People in the Records Department did not t alk readily about there Winstons greatest pleasure in life was his work He records in his diary and encounter a couple of years ago with a prostiture mad up to look young, but was really and old woman. This menory of the encounter causes him to think of the policy regarding sex and marriage which the party has enforced. Thsi causes him to theink of his miserable life with his wife Katherine, that he has not seen in eleven years. Winston resents the intrusinon of the Party into the sex lives of its members. Also realizes the discouragement of sexual enjoyment, that makes any love affair with a party member impossible. Writing down the incident does not help him. He makes another entry in his diary, this one concerning the proles. He feels they are the only group that might overthrough the party, but they are unaware of it. There is no way of finding the truth about the past but he does think that present life is worse than the past. He remembers a photo that came into his possession trying to change the pastbut he destroyed it. He plans to stay free. After work one evening, he wonders into the prole end of London, and ends up near the store where he bought the diary. Follows man into pub and plans to ask him about revolution but man is incoherent. He leaves the pub and wanders. He ends up outside the little antique shop and decides to buy a glass paperweight. Mr. Charrington shows him a room upstairs and Winston dreams of renting it. He notices a dark haired girl following himand he is sure it is the thought police and he will be arrested. We discover that people have a bond when it comes to sexuallity that the party connot control. Even thought the party rejects sexual relationships between its members. Sexual experience is no longer allowed in the society and Winston longs for one. He confesses in his Diary about his last expereince but it does not help. We find he has faith in the proles and there ability to revolt. It is hard to set up a revolt with the tho ught police detecting every thought. Winston reaches a crises with the thought police. Winston reached down and cautiously scratched his varicose ulcer Not a word could ever be proved or disproved At work he runs into the dark haired girl again, in the hallway. She falls and while he is lifting her up she slips him a note. He reads it at his desk and is amazed to find that it simple states, I love you. Eager and excited to meat with her, he has to wait 7 days until they eat together in the cafeteria. They decide to meet in Victory square. When meeting there, they arrange another meeting next sunday afternoon. At the designated meeting place, in the countryside outside London, he finally learns her name. Julia explains that she considers herself rebelious to the party. She has had sex with many other non-members. Suddenly he walks into the scene exactly like his dreem. She removes her clothes and they have sex. He belives that sexual desire may be the force that destroys the party. F ollowing there secret meeting they meet each othe occasionally. Julie arranges the meetings. They go a month without seeing each other but whenever they can before and after. She belives that she must pretend to cooperate with the party and in secret break the rules whenever possible. Winston thinks that rebellion is the best answer. They discuss past girl and boyfriends and how the party controls them. He is ready for the Julia but is worried about a possible trap. His negative approach to life and his sexual fustration make him ready anyhow. Once he commits to her he connot go back and he is committing though crimes. This may be the beginning of the end. He was happy to find that she was not a virgin and had previous affairs. His idea of revolt is changed and he now is enjoying being corrupted. Julia takes charge of the relationship, showing her aggressivness. She does not believe in Winstons ideas on rebellion and thinks that differently. A sense of helplessness took hold of Wins ton Between you and me, the antique trades just about finished Winston does rent the room above the antique show and realizes the foolishness of what he and Julia are doing. She brings him coffee and real sugar and real old-fashioned make-up. Julie tries to remember an old nursry rhyme, while Winston immagines that he and Julia and the room itself were all closed in like the paperweight. Many preperations for the upcoming hate week keep Winston, Julia and the others very busy. Winston discovers that his friend Syme has dissappeared and all records of him have been altered. Meanwhile, Parsons is still busy and happy in the preperations for hate week. He was right about them. Because of the increased work load he and Julia do not meet as much but in the room above the antique shop they look at things from the past and other forbidden things. They discuss the hopelessness of there private rebellion and that it cannot go on forever. He is dissappointed that Julie does not reject propaga nda from the partyand her theroy that the party sends bombs on itself. One day at work OBrien gives Winston his address and asked him to stop by so tha he can lend him an advance copy of the Newspeak dictionary. Winston thinks this is a conspiracy against the party and is excited but, thinks it will end in touture and death. Winston dreams of his mother again and the hunger and awful conditions there were before the disappearence. He feals bad for asking for rationed food and stealing his sisters chocolate. When he came back they were gone. Winston tries to tell her but she is tired. He is glad him and her have there He rents room above the antique shop showing his independence and his plunge into the end. He wishes the room could be closed in like the paperweight. We find out how different the two main characters are. The state does not care what kind of person you you are. Julia understanding of the party is much better that Winston although she is nieve to many things that the pa rty does. Winston defines his rebellion in three steps, first the thought then the word(Diary) then the act(Julia). OBrien seems to be a good man, also in rebellion. The timy interior of the shop ws in fact uncomfortably full, but there was almost nothing in it of the slightest value A sharp cry of pain was wrung out of her Winston takes Julia to the OBriens apartment. He wonderes is OBrien is also a rebel because he finds him in front of the telescreen, hard at work. Over toast he explains to Winston what is required of the secret rebel brotherhood. They except the terms of the menbership except that they will never see each other ever again. OBrien promises to be given a copy of Emmanuel Goldsteins book, secretly in the future. After a long week, of sorting through millions of documents, changing them to prove that the Partys decision that Easstasia, and not Eurasia, was the enemy that they have been fighting all along. He rushes home to read the copy of the book. He reads while l ying back and relaxing. Julia falls asleep when he tries to read her sections of it. When they awake from there sleep they start talking, but a voice issues from behind the picture on the wall. It is a hidden telescreen which instructs them not to move. They are rushed by armed guards. The Thought Police had been observing them all along. Winston and Julia are violently seperated. Mr. Charrington enters the room without his disquise, looking much younger. He is a menber of the thought police. Winston thinks of OBrein as a strong, unexcitable man. He is dedicated and wholeheartyu to the brotherhood. Winston joins the brotherhood and tells about his dreams. We understand about hate week a little more. Winston reads the book that is given to him by OBrien. Winston and Julia get arrested. They find out that OBrien was the enemy. There was a sorta feeling that OBrien was the bad guy, and they would get cought sonner or later. The lane widened, and in a minute he came to the footpath she had Winston is being held prisoner in a large, crowded cell at the Ministry of Love. Ampleforth and Parsons are both prisoners also. Parsons was tured in by his own daughter for thoughtcrime. He feels increased discomfort and room 101 is continually mentioned by several prisoners. OBrien enters the cell with a guard and Winston now realized he has been betrayed by him. OBrein is a member of the Inner Party. OBrien orders the guard to strike Winston who feels a great deal of pain on his elbow. Winston is tortured both physically and mentally for an unknown length of time. He keeps getting interrogated with beations and questions until he confesses to many crimes. OBrien reveals that he has been watching Winston for seven years. OBrein wants total rehab. from Winston. OBrien explains why the party can never be defeated. He has been informed that Julia quite easily betrayed him and has now been released totally rehabilitated. Winstons questions about room 101 is not answered. Finally h e is caught by the thought police, which was inevidable since the beginning. He realizes that he has been betrayed by Julia and OBrien. But he says he would never betray her. All time is lost while he is in jail. We is going to be rehabilitated and is taken to the dreded 101 for more mind games. Winston does not crack, except that OBrien gets him to believe is a little crasy. Listen the more men you have had the more I love you OBrien tells Winston th esecond stage of his rehab. is about to begin-understanding the why in party. He also tells winston that he wrote sections of Goldstiens book. He says the Party rules for the sake of power, and power alone. The proles will never revolt. OBrein questions him further and punishes him when he does not answer correctly. Winston says he is morally superior to the Party, but OBrien has a tape of the conversation about what Winston was willing to do to join the brotherhood. Winston thinks that the party will be defeated by a noble man, but OB rien shows Winston himself in the mirror. Winston weeps looking at his own aged and ghastly body. He conforts himself by thinking about how he never betrayed Julia. Winstons health is improving, and he is trying to accept the rightness of the party. He examines the past events and realilizes the party was in control the whole time. He realizes also that he party can make anything right if is wants to. He has to practice doublethinking. He wakes up from a troubled sleep, calling Julias name. OBrien enters his room and Winston confesses that he still hates Big Brother. He had also looked to OBrien for sanity and stength and kindness but now he sees what he really is a power-hungry guy who likes infliction of pain. He finds out he has been watched for 7 years. After being broken or cracked he still has the fact that he has not turned against Julia. They completely destroyed Winston and he has Have you heard the rumours of the existance of the brotherhood. The brotherhood cannot be wipe d out because it is not an He was tired, but not sleepy any longer The torture room is brightly lit, room 101. OBrien says that the room contains the worst thing in the world. It turns out to be rats in a cage which can be strapped over his face. Winston yells and screems and is overcome by the horror and the terror. He screams that this punishment should be given to Julia and not him. OBrien spares his life. Winston is then released. He is sitting under a tree at the Chestnut Tree Cafe. He drinks very heavily now. He remembers meeting Julia and how they talked about how they betrayed each other. The party would not allow them to see each other, but neither felt anything anymore. He remembers a game of his childhood but then it is pushed out by the broadcast that comes on the telescreen. Eurasia is once again the enemy. His heart fills with love for Big Brother. The party knows the worse nightmare of each person and is ble to use that against them. It worked on Winston. 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